The POEMS project (Project Number: 2023-1-IT02-KA220-SCH-000157972) has been co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).

Target Groups

The project is addressed to:

School Teachers

School Directors


The entire school community can benefit from the results of the POEMS project to foster the development of students and teachers emotional intelligence as a key competence that can contribute to enhance inclusion at lower secondary school level.



E-learning course

On the relevance of emotional intelligence and on the educational methods and tools necessary to foster emotional intelligence as a key competence at school


Lesson Plans

A collection of Lesson Plans on how to make use of the innovative methodologies based on emotional intelligence



A Publication promoting awareness of the link between mastering emotional intelligence and enhancement of the inclusiveness of the learning environments.

The POEMS project is funded, by the European Commission through the Italian National Agency for the Erasmus+ Programme


Latest News


Discovering Me: Building Self-Awareness for Personal Growth

The database of lesson plans designed for teachers working with students aged 11-15 is available on the project website. The lesson plan entitled "Discovering Me: Building Self-Awareness for Personal Growth" aims to help lower secondary students understand and develop a deeper awareness of their own emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. Through interactive discussions, self-reflection activities, and roleplay scenarios, students explore how self-awareness influences personal growth, relationships, and decision-making. The lesson encourages students to identify their strengths and areas for improvement, recognize emotional triggers, and learn strategies for emotional regulation.


Training Activity in Siena

The Training course "Teaching and Emotional Intelligence at School" was organised by the University of Siena within the PoEmS project on 17-21 February 2025.
The 5-day course was attended by representatives of project's partners, namely the Magale Salestarrak (Urnieta, Spain), the Istituto Comprensivo Masaccio (Florence,Italy), Limbazi Vidusskola (Limbazi, Latvia), Fundatia EuroEd (Iasi, Romania), Darüşşafaka Schools (Istanbul, Turkey), for a total of around 16 participants, as well as by some representative of the University of Siena.


My words: opening up or closing down?

The database of lesson plans designed for teachers working with students aged 11-15 is available on the project website. The lesson plan entitled "My words: opening up or closing down?" is based on circle time. Students are invited to reflect on what are the characteristics of the meaningful relationships, on sentences and/or idioms of common use. The activity is divided into individual, pair and plenary phases and aims to improve communication skills.